Sunday 8 May 2011

Influences That Helped Me Create My Music Magazine

Vibe is a well-known Hip-Hop magazine, I tried to incorporate their front page layout into my own. I used this cover page especially and you might see some aspects similar to my cover page:

  • The model is a female as is mine
  • The model has a prop (in this case a camera), my models prop are headphones (Beats by Dre headphones)
  • The models facial expression is fun and not so serious, which is the case with my model's facial expression
  • The model in someway represents 'urban' culture as does mine
  • The colour scheme is kept consistent throughout.
  • The mention of famous people on the cover page to attract possible readers

Although Q magazine is a rock magazine, aimed at a Caucasian audience, completely opposite to everything my magazine stands for, I decided to use their contents page as a guildline because I like the look of it. It's neat, everything is under sections and it's easy to locate sections you want to read easier because of the way it's organised. Also, I like the fact that there is quite a large picture of a famous band, which automatically tells the audience that they are the main feature somewhere in the magazine and I tried to incorporate these things into my music magazine. 

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