Monday 9 May 2011

Evaluation Question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

'MUSiCHOUSE' is targeting an international audience, mainly focusing on people in the UK and USA. Although Hip-Hop and R&B are a popular international genre of music, Funky house and grime are very niche and mainstream. One of the main aims of my magazine would be to promote Grime and Funky house to get a wider audience in the states and in many parts of the United Kingdom as well.

My target audience ranges from the ages of 16 - 19 because I feel this age range will best relate to the magazine well and will have tge most interest in my magazine.; Also people older than this are more like to be working full-time and may have busy careers, this lessens the chance that they will have the time to always buy and read the magazine.

In terms of ethnicity my magazine is mainly aimed at males and females of a black ethnicity because based on my audience research I found that this ethnicity makes up the majority of people that listen to the genre of music. Also, the artists that represent this genre, the majority of them are also of a black ethnicity. I feel that my magazine will sell better because this ethnicity group are able to make more of a connection with the music

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