Monday 9 May 2011

Evaluation Question 7: Looking back at the preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to a full product?

I took all the pictures used in my music magazine using the Canon EOS 400D and I edited the pictures using photoshop before they were put onto my magazine. I enjoyed this part of the task because I had some sort of freedom to choose the outcome of my work and I  enjoyed that. Overall, I found this part of the task relatively simple compared to other sections. Even though it took me time to get a hang of using photoshop, I was given a helping hand along the way, so I was still enable to make me vision of my magazine a reality.

Operating a professional camera was not a new thing for me, getting to grips with Canon EOS 400D was easy and it was made simple and easy to learn what to do with the camera. Personally, I think i took some good shots for my music magazine and these  photographs can be seen on my posts 'original photographs'. (All my photographs I originally planned to use in my coursework, before they were edited. Making sure equipment and props were organised was relatively simple also. I had no problem finding models and finding a time to be able to shoot them all. Luckily all the models I wanted were in my Media class, so that helped make things easier. Before we started shooting I already know what I wanted from my models so this made the process move along swiftly and we avoided taking up too much time.

Moving onto the main task, I learnt h ow to connect triggers connecting to the camera and I learnt safety rules and hazards while working with some of these equipment. I took this into great consideration to make sure that I did not get hurt while using any of the equipment and also that I didn't break any of the equipment while using it.

So I can now say that I know how to connect the triggers in the camera and I also learnt how to take photographs properly - with the right camera shots and angles. I also now know how to use Adobe photoshop, I am much more efficient when it comes to using photoshop, but there is still room for improvement if I do say  so myself. I made sure that my pictures were edited exactly how I planned and wanted them to be, using tools like; the lasso tool, spot healing tools and patch tools.

The weakness area of my work I would say is that I could have possibly made the front cover more detailed to make it resemble a real music magazine (such as VIBE), this would have given my magazine a realism effect and also the same with the contents page. I would have made it more colourful and make it to resemble the front cover of my music magazine more because I don't think my front page is consistent with my contents page. This is one of the things I would change about my magazine. However, one strength of my work I would say is that my photographs were taken well and my use of images corresponded well with the purpose, genre and audience of my music magazine

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